Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Samcat, Girl's Night, and Witty Wednesday

Pardon this entire blog because the crazy cat lady in me is about to come out with a vengeance! Samcat is sick! She started drooling profusely at around 12:30 this morning. At around 1:51 I had panicked enough to call the emergency veterinarian in Sioux Falls. After I described her symptoms, they told me that they thought she either had a bad tooth or was nauseous. They said they didn't think it was an emergency and told me to take her in later. In the meantime, she was drooling all over me. It was gross but she looked so sad that I couldn't possibly turn her away. She laid on my chest for the majority of the night and she was just miserable. Her breathing was labored and she had to constantly swallow as her mouth continued to fill with saliva. At 7:25, I couldn't take it anymore. I called my mom at work and she told me to call our vet in Aberdeen. The vet in Aberdeen said that is sounded like a bad tooth and told me to take her in. I drove Adrian to work and was waiting at Cedar Country Veterinary Clinic when it opened at 8:00. They took her and I very reluctantly left. I was worried about her all day. I had been crying, I was rather cranky, I was really unfocused. I just wanted my kitty to be okay.
I finally got tired of waiting and called them at 1:30 this afternoon. They told me she was done and I could pick her up whenever. I went back to the clinic at 4:00 to find out what had gone wrong with my cat. Her blood work came back okay. They said that she' about a pound overweight. Then they told me that she has an abscessed molar. She has been put on antibiotics to try to kick the infection but she has to go back in next Thursday to have her teeth cleaned. They are going to look at the molar again at that time and determine if it needs to be pulled. In the meantime, she is still very sad. She has been moping around the house since I brought her back. The drooling has continued and so has her need to be on my chest. I'm feeling really badly for my Samcat and I hope she feels better soon!

Tonight was girls night. Jordyn, Hannah, Ashley, and I hung out for a while. Ashley had to study so she left after a bit. Jordyn, Hannah, and I watched John Tucker Must Die and giggled about silly girl things. I find these nights so refreshing. It is so nice to just be able to giggle and talk about boys. It takes me back to yesteryear in the best way possible. I think things like this keep me young. Adrian got off of work and got to hang out with the girls for a while. He didn't seem to mind. I'm sure he was trying to figure out the age-old mystery of the female mind. He can't have had much luck...we're an unsolvable mystery. :)

Because I'm still very stressed out about Samcat, I'll end the evening with the following:
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
~Anatole France

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