Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Rapid City, Michelle, and Witty Wednesday

Today was another day of singing in high schools for students. We sang in Lead-Deadwood this morning and then St. Thomas Moore and Rapid City Central after lunch. I didn't sing our first performance because my voice has become unbelievably tired. My throat doesn't hurt and I don't feel sick at all, my voice has just given up. It is tired of being abused and has gone on strike at a most inconvenient time. It is now officially our "free night"! This is a night full of options and possibilities. You can get some rest, do some homework, get really drunk, or just hang out. I haven't decided which of these activities I shall be partaking in yet. Some people are having a hopping party a few doors down. It is amazing to me how everyone is so tired and so worn out until it becomes time to party. I just don't know if I could drink and then sing tomorrow. I don't need to give my voice anymore reasons to abandon me. It hit me yesterday that my recital is in a month and I need to be very careful with my instrument from here on out. I really want my recital to go well and that just won't happen if my voice doesn't start to regain health soon.

One definite benefit to having our free day in Rapid was that I got to see Michelle. We had dinner and I looked at all of her wedding photos and we got to catch up for a while. It was really nice. I love seeing her this happy. She loves her husband and likes to teach. She, like every other teacher in South Dakota, wishes that she were getting paid more, but she likes her job anyway. It is so easy to talk to her. She probably knows me better than most people. We're really different but we can still have conversations. We can disagree on topics without it get tense or awkward. It is really refreshing to be around someone who isn't over-sensitive and who doesn't dissect everything I say. It is also nice to see someone who isn't in the choir for a few hours. That is another definite bonus. I want to come and visit her this summer. I just miss her a lot. And it is really nice to have adult friends. I need more of those.

So Wednesdays will be "Witty Wednesdays". This might be a misleading title to the day because the topic won't always be something that is witty. Sometimes it will be a quote that I really like or a joke that I heard. But I have to maintain alliteration so this is what it has to be called. So I will finish off with a quote today on this wondrous hump-day.
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian."
- Dennis Wholey (1937-)

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