Monday, November 5, 2012

Samcat, Disney, and Movie Monday

Samcat is back! My mom brought her to me about three weeks ago and I couldn't be happier. Our first couple of days were rough because she was so set in my mom's routine. She had developed a habit of waking up and being fed at 5:00 am. So at 5:00 am on the nose, that silly girl woke me up to feed her. I immediately searched for a solution to our problem because if she didn't knock it off, she was going to end up homeless. I love that cat, but I'm not capable of feeling anything but rage at 5 in the morning. I've employed some pretty entertaining behavior modification techniques but it's still a work in progress. At the end of the extraordinarily long day, I'm glad that she's here and will be even more excited to be re-united with Lily and Lola. Once my crazy cat lady status is restored, I will be complete!

I getting so excited to go to Disney World!! December 27th can't come soon enough. I just want to jump ahead to being in the happiest place on earth. Erin, Adrian, Phil, and I are going to live it up for 12 days in Orlando. We're going to check out Universal and wizard around in Harry Potter Land. I can't think of a better vacation for a group of nerds like us. :D


I saw a movie a while back that I loved but I haven't blogged about it yet. I realized my oversight today and immediately sought to correct that issue. Pitch Perfect was, by far, the most entertaining thing I've seen in a very long time. From beginning to end I was enthralled. I laughed, I gagged, I tapped my toes to some rocking tunes. It was ACAMAZING!! If that college existed, I'd most certainly be going there. Anna Kendrick was a breath of fresh air. She is my favorite thing about Twilight and she might just be my favorite thing about the movies this year. Between What to Expect When You're Expecting and Pitch Perfect, she has had a really great 2012 at the movies. I'm putting my favorite clip from the movie below. It is of a Riff Off which is about the nerdiest most amazing thing that I've ever wanted to be a part of. Enjoy it and I'll check you later! Deuces.

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