I got a promotion at work! I'm the new Merchandising Supervisor of Jewelry and Shoes. Of my two interviews, this was the position that I really wanted and I'm so glad that it worked out. It feels so great to be going back to apparel. It has been so long since I worked with clothing and accessories and I can't wait to dive in. It feels a little like going home in a weird, retail obsessed way. :D I'm not entirely sure when I'll be able to get started. Somebody has to take my place on the inventory team before I can move. It could be a long, impatient wait on my part, but we'll get there. In the meantime, I'm just going to learn what I can when I can and, in the words of a recent college graduate I know, keep on truckin'!
Christmas is coming soon. It will be the first time that I'll be home for Christmas in 5 years. I've never been big on Christmas and I've always had to work, but I miss my family and I'm so excited to see them all again. I got all my shopping done last week. I have a few last minute things to take care of when I get back to Aberdeen but I'm pretty much ready. I'm hoping to catch up with some of my old friends while I'm in town and cram in as much "mommy and me" time as physically possible. She is going to be so sick of me and I'm going to keep rubbing in the love. :) She and my step-dad are leaving for Texas the same day that Erin, Adrian, Phil and I head to Minneapolis for our flight to Orlando so the timing of it all is pretty perfect. If everything goes like I think it will, this will be the best Christmas/New Years ever! Bring on the holidays!
My kittens are coming to Vermillion! I have a stomach ache I'm so excited to see them. My mother is bringing them here, dropping them off, and taking Erin and I back to Aberdeen. I'll only get to see them for about an hour but I plan to squeeze in a much petting and hugging as possible. They will get enough affection to last them my entire Disney trip. Lily, Lola, Samcat, and Oscar-fish will be staying with a friend while I'm away and I know that they are in great hands. She has a cat also so it will be a full house! When I get back from Disney, I can cuddle my babies as often as I want!!! I really can't wait. I've missed them and their ridiculous personality quirks so much. Erin got me a book called Cat vs. Human. It is the documentation of crazy cat lady habits and situations. I find it all to be true and don't think it's crazy at all. ;)
Les Miserables will be in theatres on December 25th and I'm prepared for awesomeness. I'm also prepared for it to suck...but I'm hoping for awesome because it is 2hrs and 37 minutes long and that's an incredible time investment for a crappy movie. Just saying. I read a review for it in Entertainment Weekly that was less than flattering. It didn't seem as though the review writer liked the original musical so I don't know how unbiased their opinion would be. I happen to be a complete nerd about the musical and cried like a hungry infant throughout the entire second act. So I'm assuming that I'll automatically like it exponentially better than some play-hater movie critic. Erin is going to ask her mom if she wants to go so hopefully we'll be able to have a Christmas night mommy date. Nothing is keeping me out of Carmike Cinemas on December 25th. Check out the trailer below if you haven't already seen it (which is impossible because it is every other commercial). Merry Christmas!!
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