Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cold, Insanity, and Argo

It is starting to be winter outside! I love winter and I like the cold but I'm usual. I started getting that tell-tale tickle in my throat last night and this morning it was on fire. I'm medicating like crazy and I want to drown my illness in drugs. Wish me luck! Another way that I can tell its winter is when Samcat gets cuddly. A cold kitty is an unhappy kitty so she gets all up in my junk as often as possible. I can't sit or lay down or sleep without her becoming a vital part of my anatomy. It's adorable...but it also makes it hard to do things like seeing and moving and functioning. On the bright side, she doesn't wake me up every morning anymore. Baby steps.

Erin and I have started doing Insanity. It is very truly insane! When I look back on all of the sports I've played, I can't remember a workout so intense. I'm on day eight and I've lost 6 lbs and have dropped a pants size. I love that the movement is so accessible. I don't need weights, I don't need to be insanely flexible, they encourage you to work on form over speed and to work at your own pace. I'm even to the point where I can move without my muscles screaming at me all day. I had a pretty rough first few days. Walking up and down the stairs seemed like torture and climbing the ladder at work was hell on earth. My muscles have finally adjusted and I can walk without looking like a freak again. :D

Yesterday, Adrian and I went to see Argo. I was on the edge of my seat the ENTIRE time! I don't think I've ever been that stressed out during a movie before. My palms sweat and I almost couldn't handle it. Because I know how to read, I knew what was going to happen, but that didn't stop me from NEEDING to know what happened next. The casting was amazing, everything was stimulating, we got a pretty amazing flashback to the late 70's/early 80's, and we got to see Ben Affleck with the most atrocious of facial hair. I think this movie is Oscar gold and I can't wait to see how it does during award season. I would leave my token hottie pictures at the bottom but there isn't one attractive thing about that time period. I'll leave the trailer for the movie instead. Deuces!

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