Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Denverstone 2012, Plan Changing, and Tacky Tuesday!

Denverstone 2012 (a.k.a. Yolostone) was an epic success! I had so much fun. We didn't see any bears but it is a disappointment that I'm starting to get over. We started off going to Denver. After we almost ran out of gas on the interstate (thanks to Adrian) we made it safely into the city. We went and visited Tory's uncle at the firehouse that he works at. It was pretty cool. He gave us a tour and showed us what they do with all their down time. It was definitely something neat to learn about. After that, we went to Tory's aunt's house and met the family. They had a very nice house and three gorgeous daughters. There were also two dogs, a goldfish, and miscellaneous window dwelling animals. On day 2 we went to Elitch Gardens and got our roller coaster on.
I was doing really well until we got on the Sidewinder. The Sidewinder is a short track roller coaster that shoots you to the end and then reverses you backwards to where you started. I was not okay with going backwards. It kind of turned me off. Luckily there was only one more roller coaster after that so I didn't miss much. I really liked the lazy river and wave pool in the water park.
There was an unfortunate almost drowning incident while the wave pool was going (which Tory found amusing) but I was only temporarily on the brink of death. :) Sprinterbadger was on the fritz so we took the bus/van to a mechanic. The next morning we headed into the wild blue yonder. 11 hours later, we rolled into the Grand Tetons. We stayed out there for a few days, went on a very non-scenic hike, and visited an exciting Jackson Hole T-Shirt store before heading into Yellowstone. The days blend together after that. We saw Old Faithful, watched a herd of buffalo stall traffic for a strange amount of time, looked for bears, and drank unknown amounts of beer. Everything was beautiful and so vast that it made me feel very small and insignificant. I really enjoyed just staring into the endless sky. The mountains went on forever and it seemed like you could follow it to the end of the world. I couldn't duplicate that feeling anywhere else on the planet. The 20 hour drive back was grueling enough to make one forget the beauty, but luckily I took pictures!

Upon my return, I changed my plans up a bit. Kenny isn't going to be ready to move to Chicago until November so I'll be hanging around Vermillion for a little longer than expected. I've moved from Ashley's apartment into Erin's 2nd bedroom and am settling in for a couple more months of living the dream. :S I think living with Erin is going to be great. She is most definitely going to inadvertently teach me to be the cleanest me that I can be. She is scary neat. I'm so jealous. Even when I'm at my best her housekeeping abilities put mine to shame. I'm going blame my cats for the reason that I don't have nice things and leave it at that. This plan change might be for the best though. We booked our trip to Disney World (!!!) and I'll be able to save more money living in South Dakota. I'm going to take my lemons and make the best lemonade ever! The main downside to not having my own place is that Samcat isn't doing very well. She isn't happy to be at my parent's house and she isn't eating very well. I was home last weekend and she's probably lost about 2 pounds. Poor baby. The kittens are thriving and will be just fine. Lola finally put on some weight which is good for her. So I just have to keep Samcat from falling into the pits of emotional despair for a couple more months and then rescue her from the bad place. It will be nice to have three cats in bed with me again...which is why I'll never get married...


I'll keep it short today because I've been awfully long-winded up to this point. I find crying children to be extremely tacky. As we traversed the mountain side, there were children everywhere on vacation with their families. And it seemed as though all of those children were being tortured. They were all screaming and crying like they were being stabbed in the eyelids. I just can't see the appeal in having any of those. Even more tacky are the parents who just stand there and don't do anything while their child's shrieks impede on other people's vacation. I'm trying to enjoy myself and talk to my friends but they can't hear me over the ill-behaved infant that nobody will shut up. If you can't keep your kid quiet, leave them at home! Another reason that I'll probably never get married...

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