Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cold, Camping, Magic Flute, and Sexy Saturday

I'm finally over my cold! I only had it for about 3 weeks...because that isn't obnoxious at all. I'm going to try singing tomorrow and I have pretty high hopes. This cold has made functioning miserable. I've been having to convince myself to leave the warm comfort of my bed. I don't hate my life anymore so I'm trying to get pumped for the summer. It seems to be flying by quickly and I'm tired of missing it because of my sinuses. Bring on the sunshine. Memorial Day brings many things that I love. The one I love most is the opening of the swimming pools! I can't wait to lounge in the sun by a chlorinated water source full of sugar-jumped children. These are the memories that we live for!

Despite my open dislike for children, pools are my savior. I've been resorting to lounging by the river in the sand bar. This is pleasant except for the sand...everywhere. I recently went camping in the sand bar with Adrian and Phil. I had a lot of fun playing in the sand by a raging fire. Sleeping in the sand doesn't suck quite as much as sleeping on hard ground and I had so much fun that I didn't really care anyway. The one thing I couldn't get over was the sand covering everything that we own.
It just embeds itself in every nook and cranny of your existence. I just can't handle it anymore. I will still go to the river and enjoy the solitude. I just need a more exfoliate-free avenue for sunning myself. Yay pools! Adrian was talking about us going to Wild Water West this coming Monday and I'm totally game! Woot water! I've never been before and I can't wait! We are also planning a camping trip for late June and then we are headed to Yellowstone in early August. I'm getting pretty good a roughing it for a girl who went camping for the first time last summer. Call me Annie Oakley!

I got cast in the chorus for Sound of South Dakota's production of Die Zaubeflote! I got an email last night and I couldn't be happier. A lot of people from USD were cast which is very exciting. Rehearsal starts August 18th and the finished product shows on September 15 and 16. I'm so excited to get started. It is going to be such an amazing experience. I'll be moving to Chicago right in the middle of everything and I anticipate being overstimulated and euphoric throughout the entire process. I'll probably cry. Lots of hugging. I'll never admit to a thing. :)


I know it seems like I only post on Sexy Saturday. It isn't just that I love eye-pleasing specimens. It is mostly because I am available most Saturdays. I'm not heartbroken by this and am excited to let you know who I think is hot this week! I recently went to the movie "What to Expect When You're Expecting". This almost forced me into highlighting the entire cast again. This is a very good looking cast of people. The most notable being Cameron Diaz, Chace Crawford, Jennifer Lopez, Dennis Quaid, Elizabeth Banks, Brooklyn Decker, Anna Kendrick, Matthew Morrison, Rodrigo Santoro, Chris Rock, and the current object of my affection...Joe Manganiello.
I began following him on True Blood. He played a sexy werewolf that we would all want to join a pack with. When his rippling abs wandered across screen in "WTEWYE", my whole day was better. More than that, there was a preview for a different movie that Mangianiello will be in called "Magic Mike". When this movie comes out, it will definitely show up here on the nearest Saturday. It also has a sexy cast including Alex Petyfer, Matthew McConaughey, Matt Bomer, Channing Tatum, and of course Mr. Manganiello. The movie could be the most horrible thing that's ever happened to cinema, but you can bet that I'll be in the front row drooling over the actors' new found stripping techniques. I have a new hobby. Wherever Manganiello goes shirtless, I will be there. That's dedication. :) Check out the trailer below and join my obsession!

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